Application of geophysical prospecting techniques in identification of water2rich conditions of fault fracture zone
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The tunnel passes throug h the larg e fault, and the wat er2r ich conditions o f the fault can have gr eat impacts o n the safe2 ty of tunnel const ruct ion. In or der to prevent the occur rence of w ater inrush dur ing the const ruct ion, the water2rich co ndit ions of lar ge fault ar e investig ated using the g eo phy sical pr ospecting method. In this paper , the preliminary ex plor ation o f tunnel con2 str uction in the Gucheng mine of Shanxi Pro vince was taken as an ex ample. T he fault str ucture w as analy zed by the contr olled2 so ur ce shallow seismic technique, which can pr ovide the geo lo gical structur e and litholog y of the ar ea w here the tunnel passes. The frequency domain electromagnetic so unding metho d w as used t o inv estig at e the w ater2 rich co nditions and hydraulic conduc2 tivit y of the fault, the sto rag e co ndit ions of Permian sandstone water and Or do vician limestone w ater, and karst fracture condi2 tions. The source fo r water2rich conditions and hy dr aulic propert ies o f t he fault w ere analyzed by the abov e two g eophysical techniques.