Stabi lity analysis of Yintaishan slope in Huangling County
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Acco rding to the unstable status o f o ld landslide in Yint aishan of H uang ling Co unty , the physical pro per ties and shear2 ing strength o f so il samples collected in the field w ere determined thro ug h labo rato ry tests. Based o n the analysis of seepag e pr ocess and action mechanism of unsatur ated soil, the impacts of g ro und fracture on the stability of Yintaishan slope w ere dis2 cussed, and the pro cess was simulat ed using the geo2studio2007 so ftwar e. T he results show ed t hat there is an obvio us co rrela2 tion betw een pr ecipitation intensity and duratio n and slope st abilit y, and slope stability decreases with t he increasing o f pr ecipi2 tat ion intensity and duration. The ex istence of g ro und fr actur e can affect slope stability . On one hand, the pr eferential f low gen2 er ated by g ro und fr actur e can affect t he st ress equilibrium of so il slo pe thro ug h the v ariation of po re w ater pressur e; on the other hand, the interaction between the pr eferential flow and interface o f so il lay er can change the interface of so il layer into the prior i2 ty slip surface and then affect slo pe stability . Finally, based on its adver se impact of fr actur e, some sugg estions o f prev ention and treatment wer e put fo rw ard, such that the ant i2slide pile should be co nsidered at the beg inning of slope to increase the antiskid resistance and t he fr act ur e is filled wit h the o rg anic matter to av oid the pr eferential flow .