Groundwater chemical characteristics and formation mechanism of Hanshuiquan region in Xinjiang
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Study on the g ro undwater chemical char acteristics in natural state is o f g reat import ance fo r the investig atio n and anal2 y sis of g ro undwater co ntamination. In this paper, the statist ical analy sis method of Shukar lev classificatio n, and softw are of SPSS, MAPGIS, and Surfer wer e used to analy ze the ev olution character istics o f chemical components in the ho rizontal and ver2 tica l directio ns based o n the 39 g roundw ater samples collected fr om the H anshuiquan r egion in Xijiang and the hydro geo log ical co nditions in the area. T he r esults show ed that ( 1) there are four hy dr ochem ical ty pes including SO42Na# Ca, SO4 # Cl2Na# Ca, Cl# SO42Na# Ca, and Cl2Na; ( 2) TDS has signif icant cor relat ion w ith K+ + Na+ , Ca2+ , and Cl- in unconfined g ro undw ater while TDS has significant cor relation w ith K+ + Na+ and Cl- in co nfined gr oundw ater; ( 3) spatial distr ibution of the main io n co ncentrations is consistent w ith that of TDS; ( 4) T he TDS, main ion co ncentrations, and gr oundw ater hydro chemical types hav e apparent zonations; and ( 5) leaching, io n ex change, concentr at ion, and mix ing ar e the major pr ocesses to fo rm the gr ound2 w ater hy dr ochemica l ty pe.