Performance analysis of unsteady flow equation with first kind of leakage recharge
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When the or iginal data has r andom err or s, the H antush equat ion for the fir st kind o f leakag e aquifer system can trans2 fer the er ro rs w hen it is used in the calculations of the dir ect and inv erse pr oblems. T he conditio nal numbers to char acterize the per formance of H antush equat ion hav e been der ived, and the appr ox imate relationship between the er ro rs from the calculat ed re2 sults and err ors from the or ig inal data is determined fo r the dir ect and inver se pro blems. On the basis, the transfer effect s of dif2 fer ent u and r/ B v alues o n the random er ro rs from the o rig inal dat a ar e obtained, the v ariat ion curv es of condit ional numbers for char acter izatio n o f the transfer effects a re plo tted, and the scopes of u and r/ B values ar e determined w hen the direct and inver se pr oblems have / bad per formance0.