Hydrochemical characteristics and isotope analysis of geothermal water in Liangxiang geothermal field
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Acco rding to the g eo thermal settings, hydrochemical dat a, and research o n the iso topes of DD, D18O, 3H, 14 C in geo ther2 mal water in the Liangx iang geo thermal field, the or igin, metamo rphism and evo lutio n, and hydro lo gical character istics o f iso2 to pes o f geot hermal water w ere investig ated. The results sugg ested that ( 1) the hydrochemistr y type o f g eothermal w ater in the Liang x iang g eothermal field is mainly H CO3 # SO42Ca# Na# M g, and the geo thermal w ater co nta ins miner al com ponents with medical benefits, especially chlo rine and metasilicic acid; ( 2) accor ding to the ana lysis o f ion concentrat ions, the geo thermal w a2 ter is lixiviated and belong s t o initially metamo rphic water ; ( 3) t he g eothermal water is immature based o n the w ater2r ock bal2 ance status; ( 4) the geothermal w ater is mainly fo rmed by t he mix ing o f g eo thermal heat source w ater and modern cir culating water supply fr om the southwest of Beijing multiphase fault2subsidence; ( 5) the age of g eothermal w ater is about 38 960? 630 years based on the iso tope analysis of 3H and 14 C; and ( 6) the recharg e elevatio n o f the geo thermal w ater is abo ut 620 to 730 m acco rding to the stable iso tope calculations o f ox yg en and hydrog en, and the r echar ge source is t he mountain ar ea w ith relativ ely low er elevatio ns in the southwest of Beijing.