Modeling and optimizing reservoir operation for trade2off between water supply and power generation objectives
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This paper focuses on the optimal o per at ion o f a wat er supply reserv oir and considers both the wat er supply and pow er generatio n objectives and the tr ade2o ff betw een the tw o objectives. The water supply model, power pr oductio n model, and multi2 objective model are fo rmulat ed and so lved by quadratic pr og ramming , mixed integ er linear pro gr amming, and nonlinear pro gr am2 ming , r espectiv ely . The hig h2dimensional, nonlinear, and multi2o bjective difficulties inherent t o the o ptima l operation o f r eser vo ir sy stem are invo lv ed in this study . A two2reserv oir pr oblem is taken as a case study and r eso lv ed effect ively and efficiently using the o ptimizat ion so ftwar e LINGO. The st udy pr ov ides a demonst ratio n for r eservo ir operat ion w ith water supply and pow er gen2 er ation as the main objectives.