Comprehensive assessment of pump station operation based on genetic projection pursuit model
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In o rder to unfold the comprehensiv e assessment o f pump operation o ptimizat ion mo re scientifically and reasonably, the pr incipa l component analy sis ( PCA) w as applied to the optimal selection o f evaluatio n indexes. On the basis o f co nstr ucting the char acter istic index set of pump operat ion o pt imization, the high2dimensional data w ere pro jected onto the low2dimensio nal space using the Genetic Pro jectio n Pur suit Model ( GA2PP) to det ermine the o ptimal pr ojectio n directio n. The pro jectio n index value was obtained f rom the calculat ion of the optimal project ion directio n and linear pro jectio n o f ev aluatio n indexes, w hich can syn2 thesize the v ir tues or defects deg ree of pump o per atio n o pt imization and conduct a unifo rm evaluation, and further pr omo te the eco nomical operatio n capacity of pump station and comprehensiv e level of united optimal o perat ion o f pumping station system. A calculatio n ex ample for the daily optimal operation o f the No. 4 H uai. an pumping station w as conducted. T he results show ed that the appro ach can avo id the a rtificial distur bance o f t raditio nal metho d in the weight value identif ication to the max imum ex2 tent and the evaluat ion results of pr ojectio n pursuit not o nly have low cost but also are suitable fo r practical operation.