Relationship between pollutant reduction and ecological compensation in the Taihu Lake
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The calculation of eco lo gical compensatio n amount in t he tr ansboundar y basin is a ho t topic of cur rent eco lo gical com2 pensation. In t his paper, the eco lo gical compensation standard and eco lo gical compensatio n amount can be considered as the same concept w itho ut co nsidering pollutant flux . Based on the total co st of water shed po llution contr ol and reg io nal pollutio n co nt rol cost, the r elatio nship between reg ional po llutant r educt ion and ecolo gica l compensatio n amo unt in each area of the Tailu Lake w as inv est igated. Resear ch r esult s sugg ested that the differ ence betw een the actual reductio n amount and the theor etically optimal reductio n amo unt of a certain ar ea determines the dir ection and amount of ecolo g ical compensation, and the difference has a positive cor relat ion w ith the eco log ical compensation amount.