Suggestion and thought on how to guarantee the col laborative work of river and reservoirs in Dongguan
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In or der t o reso lve the problem o f being dependent on pumping w ater from the Do ng jiang Riv er without sto rag e capa2 bility and causing the lack of w ater dur ing the dr y per iod in the middle and coastal area of Dongg uan, the constructio n of collab2 o rative wo rk of riv er and reservo ir pr oject is pr oposed to impr ov e the water supply guar antee rate and the ability to respo nd the emer gency w ater pro blem. In this paper , several sug gestio ns are proposed to address the quest ions o f how to carr y out the w a2 ter resour ces pr otectio n plan, to adjust the w ater supply pattern, and to conduct water pr ice r eformat ion, ther efo re the collabor a2 tive w ork can play its impo rtant r ole w ith the economic, so cial, and ecolog ical benefits.