Application of fuzzy matter element model based on Euclid approach degree on vulnerability assessment of water resources
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The wat er resources vulnerability ev aluatio n index system and gr ade standard in Urumqi wer e develo ped using the fuzzy matter element theo ry based o n Euclid appr oach deg ree from three aspect s of benefit level, w ater r esources quant ity, and eco log ical enviro nment, and the dy namic var iatio n of long2series w ater resources v ulnerability in Urumqi w as evaluated quant ita2 tively using the fuzzy matter element evaluation model. T he evaluation results wer e compared with those obtained fr om the g rey co rr elation analysis and fuzzy compr ehensiv e ev aluatio n, the fuzzy matter element model w as pro ved to be suitable fo r the as2 sessment o f water resources v ulnerability in Ur umqi. T he ev aluation results show ed that the v ulnerability level o f water re2 sour ces in U rumqi increases fr om 2005 to 2011, and w ill reach g rade ? in 2015 and 2020. Therefor e, w ater reso ur ces in Urumqi become mo re vulnerable in future.