Development and application of comprehensive experiment platform for rotatable open channel flow
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In or der to cultivate the innov ative ability o f co lleg e students and over come the disadv antag es in the ex periment dev ice of single open channel flow , such as simple ex per iment co ntent, o ccupation of larg e area, and high cost, a compr ehensive ex per i2 ment plat form fo r ro tatable o pen channel flow w as develo ped based on the co nv entional hydraulic exper iment appar atus and bas2 ic pr inciple of fluid flow . The ex per iment plat form used t he ro tatable metho d to integr ate differ ent open channel flow ex per i2 ments, w hich can meet the demand of co nducting var ious co nv entional open channel f low experiments in the same platform, and the demand of mo der n teaching including the compr ehensive, designed, and inno vativ e tr aining plans. The platfo rm has the ad2 v antag es of perfect desig n, complete funct ion, and co nv enient r eestablishment, w hich is o f impo rtant sig nificance for the cultiva2 tion of innovat ive talents w ith w ater conservancy major .