Comprehensive evaluation method of levee engineering safety
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The safet y evaluat ion of levee eng ineering is o ne of t he important co nt ents o f safety evaluation of water conserv ancy eng ineering. The wat er conservancy industr y is lack o f related technica l standar ds. In o rder to impr ov e the operability of safety ev aluatio n o f lev ee eng ineering , the ev aluatio n principle, ev aluatio n content , evaluat ion method, and eva luation co nclusio n of lev ee eng ineering safety wer e discussed. T he comprehensive evaluat ion metho d o f levee eng ineering safety w as pr oposed based on the eng ineering qua lit y ev aluatio n, operatio n management evaluation, and engineer ing safety check. In addit ion, the cor respo nding classificatio n pr inciple of comprehensive evaluation w as illustrated, which can be used as r eference for the safety evaluation of levee engineer ing .