Design method of thin wall sluice pier reinforced wi th a shallow groove paste steel bar
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This paper intro duces the design method to r einforce the thin wall sluice pier by pasting the steel bar to the sha llow gr oov e. Thr ough the crack detectio n and eng ineer ing mechanics calculation, a safety haza rd w as found in the t hin wa ll pier of sluice gate in the Jinweizhou hy dr opow er plant. T he reinfo rcement scheme o f shallow gr oov e paste steel bar was pr oposed to so lv e t he pro blem, and finite element simulatio n w as per formed fo r the o ptimal design o f reinfo rcement scheme. No similar ap2 pro ach has been included in The Reinfor ced Concrete Structure Design Code GB 50367- 2013, ther efo re the pro po sed desig n met ho d can pr ov ide new ideas and r eference fo r the reinfo rcement o f hydraulic str ucture engineer ing pro jects.