In this paper, the Chinese administrative division is regarded as the analysis unit, the vector data of Chinese administra 2 tive district map, Chinese forest coverage map, Chinese flora map, and Chinese vegetation zoning map are overlaid using the spa 2 tial analysis function of ArcGIS. T he information of vegetation zoning and flora, as well as forest coverage is obtained through the analysis of unit data. On the basis of Chinese vegetation zoning information using the second 2order cluster analysis method, the spatial disparities characteristics of vegetation are analyzed. The proportion of the first class, second class, and third class vegetation is 30B37B23, which reflects a strong spatial variation of vegetation distribution. The proportion of fourth class vege 2 tation is about 10%, which reflects the regional variation from the overall vegetation distribution. The first class vegetation mostly exists in the region of high latitudes, the second class is everywhere, and the third class is located in the region of low lat2 itudes.