Calculating the water quality response coefficient of water functional zone
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The w ater quality respo nse coefficient is a cr itical foundatio n fo r both calculating wat er env ir onmental capacity and i2 dentify ing the responsible bo dy . Based on 12D co nv ect ion2diffusion equat ion and linea r superposit ion principle, the w ater quality response co efficient matr ix w as established. Efficient calculatio n method o f w ater quality r esponse coefficient of wat er functional zo ne w as studied, which based on comprehensiv e hydro dy namic and w ater qualit y model. Based on H EC2RAS, the hydr odynamic and w ater quality model of Lihao Riv er was built. T hen the w ater quality response coefficient matrix was calculated on the mod2 el. T he r esults pr oved that it is an efficient metho d to calculat e the water qualit y response coefficient matr ix of water functional zo ne by the comprehensive hydro dy namic and w ater quality mo del. T he H EC2RAS model could be used in water qualit y model2 ing . In addition, the calculatio n accur acy co uld be sig nificant ly impro ved by the method w hen calculate the water quality r esponse coefficient of w ater funct ional zone.