Numerical simulation and experimental investigation for oi l spill transport characteristics of trapezoidal open channel in water transfer
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For t he need o f r apid r esponse to sudden o il pollutio n accidents in t he lo ng distance w ater tr ansfer pr oject, two2dimen2 sional hydro dynamic and oil spill numerical simulatio n and ex per imenta l model wer e emplo yed to investig ate the transpo rt char2 acter istics for oil spill in the tra pezoidal open channel. The r esult s indicated that due to the la rge var iatio n of velocity distr ibution at the hor izo nta l cro ss2section of the trapezo idal open channel, the longitudinal leng th o f oil slick depends on the middle velocity of open channel after sudden o il pollutio n accidents, and it s va riation rate is 01 5 times o f t he middle v elo city and less affected by the o il2spilled lo cation, w ind, and slope co efficient. The r esult s can pr edict the o il spill sco pe quickly and pro vide technical sup2 po rt fo r the emerg ency disposal and regulation.