Spatial2temporal characteristics of land use changes in the ten tributaries of Yellow River in Inner2Mongolia since 1980
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The study of the land use chang es in the ten tributar ies o f Yellow River in Inner2M ongo lia is o f gr eat sig nificance for no t only the const ruct ion o f regional ecolo gica l env iro nment, but a lso the evaluat ion of water and soil co nser vatio n effects. Based on the land use data inter pr eted fr om r emo te sensing images in 1980, 1998 and 2010, t he spatial and tempor al variation o f land use in the ten t ributaries since 1980 was analy zed from the land use dy namic change and the direction of land use tr ansfo rma2 t ion. Some co nclusio ns can be draw n as fo llow s: First, Ar able land, g rassland and unused land wer e the majo r land use types in the ten tr ibut aries. The area of gr assland gr adually increased, while unused land decreased since 1980. The r ate and speed o f v ar2 iatio n w ere higher dur ing 199822010 than 198021998. Seco nd, during 198021998 and 199822010, the dir ect ions o f land use chang e wer e mainly as fo llow s: unused land was converted to low and middle co verag e gr assland, low cover age g rassland to middle and high cov erag e g r assland, middle cov erag e g rassland to hig h co ver age g rassland. T he a rea of conversio n wer e mainly distr ibuted in the upper and middle basin of the ten tributar ies. The lar gest area of conversio n o f low co verag e gr assland to middle and hig h cover age g rassland w as obtained during 198021998. While the lar gest unused land to low and middle cover age g rassland w as ob2 ser ved during 199822010. The ur banizatio n level had gr ow n, water and soil co nser vatio n o f for est and g rass had been enhanced, reg ional eco log ical env iro nment had been impr ov ed in the ten t ributaries since 1980, and mo re o utstanding impr ovement effects wer e found after the launch o f bioenvironment al r eco vering policy of Grain to Gr een Prog ram ( GT GP) in 1999.