Researches on early warning of groundwater source field pollution: a case study in alluvial2pluvial fan of Hun River
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Early w arning of g roundw ater so urce field pollution is an impo rtant base fo r water r eso urce pro tect ion and manage2 ment. In o rder to co nt rol g roundw ater pollutio n and impro ve the pr edictability and the initiat ive of g ro undw ater pr otectio n, this paper pr oposed a new w ay for ear ly w arning of gr oundw ater so urce field pollution, based o n curr ent water qua lity status and po llut ion r isk. Curr ent w ater quality is a basement and it det ermines the initial state o f pollution ear ly w arning. Po llution r isk in2 cludes pollution so ur ces load and po llut ion hazard. It reflects the influence o f human activities on g roundw ater and determines the development o f reg ional pollutio n. This paper took the dr inking w ater sources in alluv ial2 pluv ial fan of H un River as an ex2 am ple, evaluat ed the ea rly war ning value thro ug h facto r assessment and over lay analysis. T he r esult s show ed that most gr ound2 w ater so urce fields in alluv ial2 pluv ial fan o f H un Riv er had suffer ed from pollutio n to some deg rees. The results can pr ov ide cer2 t ain theo retical foundatio n fo r local gr oundwater sources pr otectio n.