Estimation of groundwater withdrawal for agricultural irrigation based on surface2groundwater hydrological simulation
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In this study, w e develo ped a "Xinanjing "model in balancing water sto rag e of both unsatur ated and satur ated zo nes, then quantified precipitation r echar ge, g ro undwater ev apo rtr anspir at ion, and exchange betw een r iver flow and g ro undwater flow. The model w as used to calibrate ir rigation amo unt in terms of both obser ved f low discharg e and depth to gr oundw ater ta2 ble, and estimated ir rig atio n demand of cro ps. The established metho d w as further applied in the ir rigated area of Shaying River Basin, o ne o f plain areas in H uhai River . The results indicated that our method not only w ell simulate river flow discharge and depth to groundw ater table, but also reliably estimate variation o f g roundwater withdrawal and its influence on changes of groundwater table. Estimation of groundwater withdrawal and variation of g roundwater level is very valuable for management of g roundwater r esources.