An optimal operation model for multi2objective water resources schedule in coastal area
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The conflict betw een w ater supply and demand become mo re and more ser ious in co ast al ar ea of our co untr y. There2 fo re, it is meaningful t o make optimal and jo int operatio n o f limited fresh water resources so as to r eliev e t he conflict.With the objectiv e of minimizing the w eig hted sum of wat er deficit and the to tal w ater supply cost, a w ater resources multi2o bjective opti2 ma l operat ion model was established accor ding to the char acter istics o f the co astal area water r eso ur ces system. T he system con2 sists o f water supply pro jects in plain r iver netwo rks, r eser vo irs and a water div ersion project . A mult i2objectiv e part icle swarm optimization alg or ithm w as emplo yed to solving the mo del, the approach of pr ocessing v ario us types o f constrains was pr oposed, and the pa reto so lutions wer e obtained. The best coo rdinated solution for the tw o g oals w as o bta ined based o n the rule that the Euler distance fr om the ideal so lutio n is m inimum, then the co rr esponding operatio n results wer e ga ined. The case study w as carr ied o ut in t he coastal areas of Jiangsu prov ince, which pro ved t hat the pro po sed method is effective.