Variation characteristics of potential evapotranspiration and actual evapotranspiration during 196022011 in Baiyangdian Basin
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Based on the meteo ro log ical and hy dr olog ical data of Ba iyangdian basin dur ing 196022011, the chang e trends of pot en2 t ial ev apo transpiration( ET 0) and act ual eva pot ranspiratio n( ETa ) and their relatio nship w ere studied by using Penman Mo nt eith formula and Budy ko hy po thesis. Our r esult s showed t hat both ET0 and ETa pr esented a decreasing tr end and the decreasing rate were about 10. 3 mm/ ( 10a) and 11. 6 mm/ ( 10a) , respectively. Through the inter2decadal variation analysis, ET0 was char acter ized by a continuo us decline, and ETa was char acter ized by fluctuate loss, which was influenced by precipitation volatility. The results o f the corre2 latio n analysis showed that the chang e of ETa was po sitively correlated with the chang e of precipitatio n( R2 = 0. 99) , and negatively cor2 related with the change o f ET0 ( R2 = 0. 37) . The precipitat ion was the main driv ing fo rce for the r eductio n o f ETa .