Research on water resource management decision2making system in coastal reclamation area
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The coastal development o f Jiang su plays an impo rtant r ole in alleviating the co nt radiction betw een people and land, supply ing ar able land r esources and stepping up the industr ial development o f the Yang tze River. It also has pr ofo und influence on the demand o f water resources, w ater r esources security is facing eno rmous challeng es. T her efore the establishment o f sys2 t em, w hich has the timely and r eliable info rmatio n, effective model and co ncise and efficient consultation, to suppor ting w ater re2 so ur ce manag ement decision2making is very necessar y. The w ater r esource manag ement decision2making system, using Java lan2 g uage, based o n t he database system Oracle and GIS techno log y, generally use C/ S mode and B/ S mode. T he system is fo r use by decisio n makers and manag ers, including five subsy stems info rmatio n management and quer y, water demand for ecasting , r un2 o ff for ecast, water reg ulatio n, decisio n in consultation. T he implementatio n of the development and research o n water r eso urce manag ement decision2making sy st em in coastal reclamatio n ar ea w ill be of significant impor tance to optimizing w ater demand and supply patt erns in Jiang su coastal area and solving water2supply securit y issue.