Correlation study of rainfall and runoff in Xiangxi River watershed using theMaximum Entropy2Copula Method
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Based on the rainfall and runo ff in Xiang xi River Wat er shed, this paper applied a maximum ent ro py2co pula ( MEC) metho d to study the cor relation between the rainfall and r unoff o f wat er shed. Results show that: the generated marg inal distr i2 butio ns o f the rainfall and runo ff can effectiv ely fit the obser ved v alues w ithout any hy po thesis, and t he statistical character istics of r andom v ariables can be r eflected w ell as the constraints o f mean, standar d dev iatio n, skew ness and kur tosis; Among all the Co pula functio ns used, Gumbel ho ug aard copula can be used to generate the jo int distributio n of the rainfall and r unoff as the best effect o f fitting; the upper tail dependence ex ists betw een the rainfall and runo ff in Xiang xi River Water shed, w hich not only can play a gr eat ro le in f loo d and drainag e contr ol in Xiang x i River Wat ershed, but also pr ov ide refer ence basis fo r water shed project planning and desig n w o rk.