Operating stability of new escalator2type bidirectional hydraulic shiplift
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With the development o f so ciety and economy , the development o f nav igat ion and ecolo gica l tour ism in middle and small riv ers receiv es mo re and mo re att entions. Due to complicated str uctur e, hig h investments and bad compatibility w ith na2 t ur e, here we put forwar d a new escalator2type bidir ect ional hydraulic shiplift . The new shiplift is simple in structure, easy to op2 er ate, environment2pr otectiv e and energ y2conservat ive, and has g ood eco nomical and practical features. In o rder to analy ze the operating stability o f the shiplift, a ship2ship compartment cable2 ship reception chamber 2 water fluid str uctur e inter act ion nu2 mer ical model was built , the rules of liquid sloshing and ship shaking dur ing the o per ating period o f ship lift wer e analyzed, and the measures of enhancing operating stability w ere studied. The results showed t hat: Firstly , the vert ical displacement of the ship and t he hydr odynamic pr essure in the ship reception chamber display peaks during the decelerat ion time, and sloshing dis2 placement peak is almost pro po rtio na l to sto p acceler ation, which is not affected by t he v ariat ion of w ater depth in the ship re2 ceptio n chamber ; Secondly, the frequency of slo shing is corr elated wit h w ater depth in the ship reception chamber and has noth2 ing to do w ith stop acceler ation; thirdly , the vert ical and T2ty pe baffle arr ang ed in the chamber can reduce the slo shing displace2 ment of the ship to a cer tain ex tent; Finally, t he lo ng itudinal and tr ansv erse cable arr ang ed betw een the chamber and the ship can signif icantly r educe the sloshing displacement o f ship and the longitudinal cable has the better effect on r educing slo shing than transver se cable. T he f inding s o f this paper have impo rtant r efer ence value fo r eng ineer ing design.