Inspiration performance of self- excited pulse jet nozzle in submerged condition
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This study investig ate the self- excit ed inspiration pulse jet nozzle in submer ged co ndition by using the independently dev eloping test ing equipment . To analyze t he influence o f inspir ator y capacit y on inspir atio n perfo rmance, the str ucture parame2 t ers of nozzle cav ity leng th, lumen diameter , diameter of nozzle and cavit y volume to the no zzle under the influence of inspirato ry capacity wer e evaluated. The r esult s indicated t hat t he inspirat ion is an effective w ay to improv e dev ice performance. The r ela2 t ive impact of the no zzle w as enhanced w ith t he increasing of inspirat ion eff iciency ;Within t he scope o f the optimal r atio o f noz2 zle st ructur e par ameters, the larg est inspir ation r at io o f no zzle w as o btained; T he nozzle a rea ratio, r elative cav ity length and lu2 men diameter o f optimal inspir atio n efficiency r anges from 3. 5~ 4. 0, 8~ 9 and 11~ 12. 5, r espectiv ely.