In or der to ex pand the application of compacted soil- cement in loess foundation tr eatment, taking cement do sage, fly ash dosag e and w at er co ntent as factor s, an or thog onal experimental scheme L9 ( 34 ) w as car ried o ut to study the mechanical propert ies o f compacted cement loess at 28d and 56d. T he effect o f v arious factor s o n dry density, st reng th and elastic modulus, mechanism, r elationship between elastic mo dulus and str eng th w ere analyzed. The r esult s showed that t her e w as an ext remely signif icant inf luence of fly ash do sage on dr y density o f com pacted cement loess, followed by w ater content and but not fo und o f cement dosage. The influence o f fly ash dosage sho uld be taken into account w hen max imum dr y density and optimum water content o f cement soil ar e determined, the influence o f cement dosage can be ignor ed. Fly ash can significantly increase the strength and elastic modulus of compacted cement loess, especially the later strength. T he influence of cement do sage on strength and elast ic mo dulus o f compacted cement lo ess at tw o ages is ex tremely significant, as well as the fly ash do sage ; in ad2 dit ion, the w ater content also show ed a sig nificant influence effect.