Water2hammer in the long2distance and high2drop water2supply project of gravity flow
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Wat er hammer of fir st phase usually occur s in the lo ng2distance and high2head water2supply system. Thus, once the downstream v alve is ur gently closed in case of an accident in a pro ject, a rat ional closure r ule is needed to ensur e the safet y o f the water2supply sy stem. Based on the long2distance and high2fall g rav ity flow w ater2supply pr oject, the fo rmula of water hammer at the end of first phase and the formula fo r linear v alv e clo sure wer e proposed based on the metho d o f characterist ic (MOC) when v alv e clo sur e law or w ater hammer pr essure w ere know n. The two fo rmulas had been tested by numer ical calcula2 t ion. It was observ ed that the results of both fo rmulas fit t he r esults o f numer ical calculat ion ver y w ell. Taken tog et her , w e be2 liev e t hat t he conclusion of this paper could pr ovide a refer ence fo r pipeline desig n, operatio n and dispatching of long2distance and hig h2dro p g r av ity flow w ater2supply pro ject.