Investigation of vertical load transfer mechanism for PHC2steel composite pile
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PH C2steel composite pile, w ith cor rosion resistance and g oo d penet ratio n pr operties, has been po pularized in high2pile whar f. H ow ever, there are alway s some difference of t heir diameter, modulus of elast icity and density between PH C pipe pile in the upper part and steel pipe pile in the lower part , and the load tr ansfer o f com posite pile w as sig nificantly differ ent in its upper and low er part. The tr adit ional method can not be applied directly to calculate the vert ical bear ing ca pacity , thus the load tr ansfer mechanisms wer e no t investig ated. Therefor e, the desig n of compo site pile lacked mechanism basis. Based o n g eo lo gical condi2 t ions of the Yang tze River reg ion of Zhenjiang Yangzhong, and considering softening o f soil, the contact cha racteristics of pile2 soil and gr eat settlement deformation, simulation test of ver tical static loading of PH C2steel composite pile w as conducted by u2 sing FLAC3D softw are, then the effect of / depth o f jo int0, / area o f jo int0 on ult imate bearing capacit y and the ax ial force and pile later al f rictio n resistance w ere analy zed. The r esults indicated that the PH C2steel composit e pile which driven in Yang tze Riv er r egion of Zhenjiang Yangzhong is end2bear ing fr iction pile; t he area and depth o f joint affects the ult imate bearing capacity and settlement value o f unstable pile; the g reater attenuation of ax ial force occurs in the jo int ; the pile lateral friction resistance changes intr icately w ith incr easing depth; the ult imate pile lateral frict ion resistance o ccur s in the joint.