Simulation of the water2rock reaction in Chaobai River ground2water storage area
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In t he process o f T he South2 to2Nor th Water Transfers, some of the w ater w ill be used t o supplement the g ro undwater of Chaobai Riv er basin. Due to the differences of Danjiangko u reserv oir w ater and Beijing gr oundw ater, w ater2r ock interaction may occur. Taking the ex ample of Chao ba i Riv er basin, w e analyzed the water2ro ck inter act ion and chang es of w ater during re2 charg e by batch ex per iments and hy drog eochemistry simulat ion. T he results show ed that: dur ing the r echarg e, the water w as af2 fected by nitr ificatio n, cation ex change and solution of minerals.With t he incr ease of pr opor tion o f so uthern water , calcite and do lomite disso lv e and concent ratio ns of calcium and mag nesium wer e elevated coupled wit h catio n ex change w hich mainly is so2 dium w ith calcium and/ or mag nesium. The higher pr oport ion o f south wat er , the st rong er o f nitr ificatio n is fo und. Affected by nitrificatio n and car bo nate balance, pH of g roundw ater w as reduced at early stage then elevated at lat e stag e.