Prediction and negative effects of landslide damming in medium and small2sized reservoir,Mountainous area
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The natural landslide damming is much mor e likely to happen in the reserv oir ar ea, and the heig ht of landslide dams di2 rectly affects the normal o perat ion of r eser vo ir, especially for medium and small2sized r eser voirs. I n this paper , the author sum2 ma rized pr evio us r esear ch r esult s on landslide blo cking r iver and studied the landslide accumulatio n body in the reservo ir ar ea o f a medium2sized reserv oir in Southwest China o n the basis o f assume that it is blocking the r iver com pletely , predicting the possi2 bilit y of landslide damming of the r iver . Then the autho r par ticular ly selected thr ee methods to predict the height of the dam and discussed its negative effect s, so as to complet e the risk pr edict ion o f landslide damming of r iv er in reserv oir ar ea. On this ac2 co unt the autho r has pr elim ina rily built the basic research thinking for the prediction o f landslide damming o f r iver in medium and small2sized reserv oir of mo untaino us area, in or der to pro vide a cer tain refer ence for solv ing this kind of pro blem.