Initial pricing of emission rights of water pollution2Take Henan province as an example
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The purpose of the study w as to ex plor e the metho d that combines bo th theor y and utility. On the basis of pricing the2 o ry of paid use of emission rig hts, by ex plor ing the r eso ur ces and v alue of the env ir onmental capacit y, the conting ent v alue pr i2 cing method and the rent allocatio n pricing model wer e established. Then, the initial distr ibut ion pr ices o f emission rights in Henan pr ov ince w ere calculated using abo ve two metho ds. Result s show ed that the emission pr ice of COD and ammonia was re2 spectively 3463 and 4329 y uan per ton w hen using the conting ent value pricing met ho d, which wer e 4499 and 9122 y uan per ton when using the rent allocatio n pricing mo del. The two mo dels are both feasible. By compar ing the tw o models, our finding s indi2 cate that the theor y and results of the r ent allocatio n pricing mo del ar e mo re reasonable. T her efor e, rent allocatio n pricing mo del may be recommended as a main metho d, and the co nt ing ent value pricing model can be used as an aux iliar y means.