Regional socio2economic water consumption based on factors decomposition and total water2use quantity limi t
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In consider atio n o f the sig nificance o f indust rial st ructur e adjustment and w ater use efficiency co ntr ol to the H ydr oso2 cial2Cycle, and taking Yancheng Cit y, a t ypical r egio n in Jiang su Coastal Distr ict as case study reg ion, a no nlinear pr og ramming model w as set up by using Log arithmic Mean Divisia Index appr oach and mathemat ical prog ramming metho d, w hich contains const raint of t otal w ater2use quantity limit and quantization equations of dr iv ing fact ors decomposit ion effect. The analy tic mo del too k full account o f socio2econom ic development pr esent situatio n and plan, water resources utilizat ion strateg y and ta rget, sav2 ing2w ater society co nst ruct ion planning . Dur ing 2010 to 2015, the r ational scheme o n Yancheng Cityc s so cio2economic dev elop2 ment size, industr ial st ruct ur e pr oport ion and w ater resour ces utilizat ion efficiency was achieved by so lv ing model. Acco rding to our computatio n r esults, the char act er istic o f dr iving factor s effects from intensity of w ater utilizatio n, industr ial str ucture, eco2 nom ic dev elopment level and po pulation scale w ere analy zed, as well as the adjustment po licy o f the prima ry industr y, secondary industry and ter tiar y industr y.