Study of the factors on soil arching effect of double row piles based on orthogonal test
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It is o f g reat signif icant to consider soil arching effect for the reasonable ar rang ement and o pt imization desig n of do uble row anti2slide pile. H ow ever ther e are many facto rs affecting soil arching effect, thus the o rthog onal test is used t o study the major and minor relatio ns of the six facto rs that affect t he soil ar ching effect of ant i2slide pile. The six factor s, including pile length, pile spacing , pro per ty parameter s, Po isson's r atio, interface parameters and row spacing , fo rm six factor s with five levels of o rthog onal test desig n, and the finite element analy sis softw are PLAXIS is used to car ry out the numer ical simulation. The re2 sults show that the pile spacing , the Po isson's rat io and row spacing are the majo r factor s o f so il ar ching effect, and pr operty pa2 r ameters, inter face par amet ers and pile leng th ar e the minor factor s. There ex ists coupled effect among these facto rs and the combinat ion of their appr opriate levels w ill be benefit to the so il arching effect.