Interaction between surface water and groundwater in the Dou River Basin
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Understanding the interaction between surface water and groundwater is of great significance to the establishment of regional water cycle model and water resources evaluation and management. Through the study of isotopic distribution of hydrogen and oxygen in surface water and groundwater of the Dou River basin, the results show that (1) the first aquifer in the riparian zone is recharged by precipitation, irrigation return water, and leakage from surface water; (2) the third aquifer is recharged by leakage from the second aquifer; (3) the second aquifer is also affected by precipitation and irrigation return water; and (4) the fourth aquifer has different isotopic characteristics from other aquifers, and the fourth aquifer in the riparian zone may be recharge by the leakage from the surface water reservoir. The variation of hydraulic connection between groundwater and surface water in the riparian zone is strictly controlled by the groundwater level variation. The groundwater depth at the JingZhuangzi profile is 5 m, and the hydraulic connection between the groundwater and river at the profile behaves naturally with river recharging groundwater during the wet season and groundwater recharging river during the dry season. The groundwater depth reaches up to 25 m at the cross river profile near to the center of the groundwater depression cone, and river recharges groundwater all the time.