Simulation of actual runoff using remote sensing driven distributed hydrological model
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In this paper, we developed a remote sensing driven distributed water balance and water transport model (RSWB/WTM) based on WBM/WTM(Water balance model/Water transport model) model. Using precipitation and evaportranspiration data retrieved from remote sensing, the monthly discharge of three hydrological stations (Fuping, Zhongtangmei and Zijingguan) in Baiyangdian Region was simulated. Then the accuracy of the model was evaluated using Nash and Sutcliffe model efficiency coefficients (E (NS)) and R2. The E (NS) for all stations were above 0.54, among which Zhongtangmai and Zijingguan were larger than 0.62. The R2 were 0.56, 0.64 and 0.64 for Fuping, Zhongtangmei and Zijingguan, respectively. In recent years, human activities had affected the natural water balance in Baiyangdian largely, thus the accuracy of the model was much influenced. It is also affected by the quality of the remote sensing retrieved data. It is hoped that our RSWB/WTM model and its application in Baiyangdian Region can provide a useful tool for the water resource assessment based on remote sensing data.