Snowmelt runoff model applied in Kuitun River catchment for flood forecasting
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The medium and small riv ers in China generally have low flood contro lstandards and urgent lyneed st rengthened flood forecasting , especially in high-cold mountaino us areas with insufficient stations and data, where it is difficult to disting uish the runoff produced by snowmelt from that by precipitation, which enhances the difficulty of flood for ecasting . Snowmelt Runoff Model ( SRM ) is a hydro logical model fo rsimulating and forecasting the snow melt runoff in mountainous watersheds. It plays an important role in the study of mountainous watersheds with snow melt and precipitation as the main runoff sources. Based on SRM and taking Kuitun River as a typical case of medium and small rivers in high-cold mountainous areas of Xinjiang , we simulated the daily runoff of the catchment by extracting the snow cover rate through MODIS remote sensing data and collecting meteorological data. The results showed that the snowmelt runoff model could well simulate the runoff process of Kuitun River catchment , and its Nash efficiency coefficients in both calibration and validation perio dsexceeded 07, which means that the snowmelt runoff model can be applied to flood fo recasting in Kuitun River. The model has some guiding significance for the flood prevention and early warning in medium and small river catchments of high-cold mountainous areas.