Evolution law and attribution analysis of water utilization structure in Beijing
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Analyzing and forecasting the water utilization str ucture is essential to w ater r eso urces planning and management. Taking Beijing as a case study, this study analyzed the chang e of water utilizatio n structur e in Beijing from 1988 to 2016, re2 v ealed the main driv ing facto rs that caused the chang e in water utilizatio n structure, and discussed the possible chang es in futur e water utilizat ion str ucture in Beijing and theirs influence on water supply. Results showed that the to tal water use in Beijing first rose and then declined, then slow ly r ose ag ain during 198822016. Agricultural and industrial water use continued to decrease, while domestic w ater use and environmental water use incr eased co ntinuously . T he reduction in agricultural and indust rial w ater use was primarily attributed t o the r eduction in cro p acreage and the practice o f w ater conser vatio n. T he increase in domestic water use was mainly caused by the incr ease in po pulat ion and the change of w at er2related lifestyle. The incr ease in env iro nmen2 tal wat er use can be ex plained by the incr ease of g arden and gr een ar ea in Beijing. It is ex pected t hat t he ag ricult ur al w ater use in Beijing w ill co nt inue to decrease in the near futur e, w her eas the chang e in industrial water use w ill depend o n the degr ee of in2 dustrial st ructur e adjustment. In the near fut ur e, the bigg est challenge to w ater r eso urce security in Beijing comes from the in2 cr ease in domestic wat er use.