Analysis on characteristics of industrial structure evolution in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region
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The evolution of reg ional industrial structure is closely r elated to economic g rowth. Under the backg ro und o f coo rdina2 ted dev elo pment of Beijing , T ianjin and Hebei, it is of g reat practical sig nificance to study the characteristics of industrial struc2 tur e ev olution in this reg ion. Using ter nar y plot to describe the general t rend of industrial structure evolut ion in the Beijing2 Tianjin2H ebei reg ion from 1978 to 2016, w e found t he industrial structure in t he reg io n is upg rading and its dev elopment differs spatially. We compa red and evaluated the equilibrium o f industrial structure, the conver gence o f industria l structure, the coo rdi2 natio n betw een industrial str uctur e and employment str ucture, the speed and direction o f industrial structure conversion by cal2 culating relevant indicat ors. Based o n the Shift2Shar e M etho d, we selected fo ur periods of 197821985, 198621995, 199622005, and 200622016 to analyze t he pro cess o f industrial structure evo lutio n in Beijing2T ianjin2Hebei Reg io n. Finally , w e proposed the mechanism of indust rial st ruct ur e ev olution, including : r eso ur ce endowments and development o rientatio n, inst itutional imbal2 ance and po licy management , administrative division and market barriers.