Issues on the sustainable development of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region based on the limited water resources
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This paper expounds the water- adaptability2based development theor y in terms of its backg round, co nnotat ion, ob2 jects and t asks. T he water2adaptability2 based dev elo pment is exploiting g ener al wat er resources and impro ving w ater use effi2 ciency o n the basis of sciences and technolog ies, chang ing wat er use mo de and o pt imizing water consumption str ucture and w ater resources allocatio n in lig ht of the w ater r eso ur ces condit ions, ex panding the ava ilable space of water r eso urces, and realizing the sustainable utilizatio n o f water r eso urces. This paper analy zes and describes the sever e w ater resour ces pr oblems facing the syn2 er getic development o f Beijing2T ianjin2Hebei reg ion, including the extr eme shortage of water r esources, la rge w ater supply pres2 sure, eco lo gical deteriorat ion, and low utilizatio n of unconventio nal w ater r eso ur ces, all o f w hich seriously r est rict the susta inable development o f Beijing2Tianjin2Hebei reg ion. Finally, this paper pr oposes the st rateg ic countermeasures fo r the w ater adaptabili2 ty2based development of Beijing2Tianjin2H ebei r egion, including the str ategic transformation of water r esources develo pment, re2 mo deling economic system, co nstr uct ing w ater adaptabilit y2based mo dern indust ry, develo ping w ater adaptability2based mo der n agriculture, and building a w ater adaptability2based cit y, so as to achiev e the sustainable development of society , economy , and e2 co log y in Beijing2Tianjin2Hebei r eg io n.