Hydrological characteristics and adaptive utilization of water resources in water source area of the Middle Route of South2to2North Water Diversion Project
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The Middle Route of So uth2to2No rth Water Diversio n Pro ject is a majo r w ater div ersion pro ject to allev iate the water crisis in North China, and the g eog raphical char acteristics in its w ater so ur ce area are impo rtant fo r ensuring the quantity and qualit y of t he divert ed water. H ow ever, the curr ent research is inadequate o n the main characte ristic par ameters such a s bound2 a ry , ar ea , and rive r leng th o f the w ate r sour ce ar ea o r o n the w ater r esour ces chara ct erist ics. Ther e a re still some pro blem s in w ater r esour ces utilizatio n. In v iew of this, w e sy st ematica lly teased o ut the main char acteristic par ameters of t he w ater so urce ar ea in the M iddle Route o f So uth2to2North Water Div ersio n Pr o ject from the g eog r aph ical perspectiv e by using geo2 g r aphic info rm atio n t echno lo g y, stat istical metho ds, a nd field inv estig atio n. We a na ly zed and summ arized the characte ristics of w ater r eso urces, the dev elo pment and utilization pro cess o f w ater r esour ces, a nd the ex isting pro blems ther eof. I n v iew of the reality of t he w a ter sour ce ar ea o f the Middle Route of South2to2No rth Water Diversio n Pro ject, w e put forw ard a r e2 sear ch appro ach a nd str ateg ic measur es o n adaptiv e utiliza tio n o f w ater reso urces based o n the theo ry o f adaptiv e utilizatio n of w ater reso urces. T he r esults w ill pr ovide technical supports fo r ensuring sustainable water diversio n in the Middle Ro ute of So ut h2t o2North Water Diversion Pro ject and fo r development , utilization and co llabo rative manag ement of water r esources in the water so urce area.