Study on the characteristics of drought in Haikou City based on standardized precipitation index
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Acco rding to the daily r ainfall data of the eight rainfall statio ns in Haiko u City fr om 1970 t o 2012, w e used two differ2 ent SPI pro cessing schemes, ( 1) SPI calculated from all2station av erag ed precipitation ( pr ecipitatio n2mean) and ( 2) mean o f all SPI calculated fr om pr ecipitatio n at indiv idual stations ( S PI2mean) , to ca lculate t he SPI v alues at 32, 62and 122month sca les. We compar ed the droug ht situat ion reflect ed by the t wo schemes at each month scale with the actual dr ought situatio n and selected the suitable scheme fo r dro ug ht evaluation in H aikou City. We used the Mann2Kenda ll test and Mo rlet w avelet analysis method to analy ze the chang e trend and the cycle o f dro ug ht change in H aikou City from 1970 to 2012. The results show ed that pr ecipi2 tat ion2mean is mo re suitable to ev aluate the dro ug ht situation in H aikou. Fr om 1970 to 2012, the o ccurrence frequency of dr oughts of differ ent degr ees in H aikou City w as as high as 56% , especially in spring and autumn, w here the fr equency w as 51% and 41% respectively . T he o ccurr ence fr equency o f extr eme dr oughts in autumn was 14% . The g ener al dro ug ht situatio n in Haiko u Cit y w as ag g ravating , and the t rend w as especially o bv ious in autumn. T he dro ug ht in Haiko u had a first main cycle of about 13 years, a second main cy cle o f 4 y ears, and a third main cycle of 22 y ears. The r esults can pro vide a r efer ence for dr ought evaluat ion and fo recast ing and the dev elo pment of dro ug ht relief measur es in H aikou City .