Study on the boundary threshold of flood resources utilization in river2lake interconnected system of Taoerhe River
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The river-lake inter co nnectio n project pro vides str ong support fo r flo odw ater diversion and sto rag e. In this process, se2 curity and benef its are equally impo rtant. Based o n the double attributes of the flo od, w e used MIKE11 o ne2dimensional hydro2 dynamic model and the r elated calculation methods to calculate the safe value of f loo d st orag e in the river2lake inter connected sy stem and the water demand o f wetlands, ponds, and irrigated areas. The r esults indicated that the g ate can o pen for diversio n when t he r etur n period of flo od events is 20 years o r below . T he max imum safe flow of the riv er is 2 140 m3 /s, and the ecolog i2 cal base f low of different segments of the riv er is 41 79 m3 /s, 31 19 m3 /s, and 21 97 m3 /s respectively. T he w ater demand o f w et2 lands, ponds, and irrig ated areas is 51 60 @ 108 m3 to 91 38 @ 108 m3 . The river2lake inter co nnected system has strengt hened the hy dr aulic connection inside and o utside the riv er, and t he bo unda ry threshold w ill prov ide important refer ence fo r the dispatc2 hing decisio n2making in the pro cess of f loo d r eso urces utilizatio n.