Study on interannual and annual variation characteristics of runoff in the main stream of Xijiang River
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In o rder to study the inter annual variatio n tr end and annual distribution o f r unoff in Xijiang Riv er, we used Mann2Ken2 dall trend test, R/ S metho d, ordered cluster method, and sliding T t est to ana lyze the variatio n trend and abrupt changes o f in2 ter annual runo ff, and we conducted trend tests and prediction of t he fut ur e chang e tr end fo r each index o f annual r unoff distribu2 tion. T he analy sis was based on the measured runo ff data of the main stream of Xijiang Riv er for o ver 60 years. The r esults show ed t hat M2K statist ic values in the t hr ee st at ions wer e - 21 47, - 21 38 and - 11 47 r espectiv ely. The H urst indexes of the three stations w er e 01 72, 01 83 and 01 80 respect ively, a ll g reater than 01 5. The abr upt chang e points at T ian'e and Qianjiang sta2 tions wer e bo th in 2002, while the abrupt change points at Wuzhou statio n w ere in 1954 and 2002. Xijiang Riv er runoff has sig2 nificantly declined over the past 60 y ea rs w ith a stro ng co nt inuit y. T he annual distributio n of runoff w as unev en. The r uno ff con2 centrated during April to September, which accounted for about 75% o f the annual runoff. After 2002, the annual distributio n of runo ff show ed a r emarkable t endency towar ds unifo rmit y; the deg ree o f concent ratio n and variatio n amplitude bot h sig nificant ly decreased, and the concentr at ion perio d mo ved about 12 days forwar d.