Influence of the two types of ENSO events on seasonal precipitation over middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River
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The monthly pr ecipitatio n data fr om 91 meteor olo gica l statio ns in the middle and lower reaches of t he Yangtze River from 1966 to 2015 wer e used to analyze the pr ecipitatio n v ariation in the r eg io n over the past 50 y ears and its r esponse to the two types of ENSO events. We used linear propensity estimation, Mann2Kendall test, and anomaly analysis. T he r esults show ed that the summer precipitation in the reg ion tended to increase at a rate of 21 04 mm/ a in the past 50 years. The annual pr ecipita2 tion showed an increasing tendency in the east and a decr easing tendency in the w est. El Niìo events were pro ne to cause an ab2 normally lar ge amount of precipitatio n in spring and w inter, whereas La Niì a events caused much mo re pr ecipitation in summer. In the y ea r of the Eastern Pacific ( EP) El Niì o, summer pr ecipitation along the Yang tze River was less than usual. In the year of the Centr al Pacif ic ( CP) El Niìo , summer pr ecipitation wo uld increase in the nort h and decrease in the south, w hereas the de2 cay ing y ear wo uld see an o pposite spatial patt ern. In the year of CP La Niì a, there was a sig nificant ly larg er amo unt of pr ecipita2 tion in autumn, w hereas in the y ear o f EP La Niìa, the amount was significantly smaller. In the decaying year of EP La Niì a, summer pr ecipitation w as generally mor e than usual, especially in the east of the reg ion; but in the decaying y ear o f CP La Niì a, summer pr ecipit ation w as mo re than usual in the southeast and less in the northwest