Sensitivity of potential evapotranspiration in Shaanxi Province and attribution of its variation
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Po tent ial ev apo transpiratio n( ET0 ) is an important refer ence fo r the accurat e estimatio n of cro psc w ater dem and and fo r the reasonable formulatio n o f a farmland m anag ement system. Analy sis of the sensitivit y of ET 0 to m eteo ro log ical factors is of g reat significance fo r assessing the utilizat ion efficiency of land w ater resour ces in a reg ion. Based o n the daily w eather data from 20 m eteo ro log ical statio ns in Shaanx i Pr ov ince from 1955 to 2015, w e used the FAO256 Penman2M onteith equatio n to calculate daily E T0 . T hen w e used the sensitiv ity formula to calculate the sensitiv ity coefficients of ET 0 to the main meteo rolog i2 cal facto rs, such as the daily max imum temperature ( ST H ) , da ily minimum temperature ( ST L ) , relative humidity ( SRH ) , w ind speed ( S A W ) , and sunshine dur ation ( SSD ) . We ex plor ed the tem po ral and spatial distributio n featur es and v ariation tr ends o f the sensitivity coefficients and quantitativ ely ana lyzed the contributing factors to ET0 v ariation in view o f the multi2year va riatio n of the meteo ro log ical facto rs. Results show ed that t he meteoro lo gical facto rs so rted by the annual variation amplitude o f the sen2 sit ivity coefficient o f ET0 to these factors wer e SRH > SSD > STL > SA W > ST H . The sensitivit y o f annual averag e ET 0 in Shaanx i Pro vince to the meteor olog ical facto rs all r eached the middle o r abov e level. It was the most sensitiv e to SRH . The interannual variatio n tr ends of sensit ivity coefficients show ed a big differ ence between the nort h and south, and they also show ed differ ent spatial distribution characteristics. The complicat ed no nlinear relationship between E T0 and the key meteor olog ical factors caused the dominant meteoro lo gical factors o f ET0 to differ acr oss differ ent meteo rolog ical stations and to show obvio us spatial differ ence