Review about effects of reclaimed water usage on soil and groundwater
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There ar e residual contaminants in the reclaimed w ater due to the limitatio ns o f w astewater treatment techno log y and operating co sts. The quality o f the so il and gr oundw at er in the reclaimed w ater usag e areas is bo und to deterior ate in the long term. I n this r esear ch, we collected the t ypes and co ncentrat ions of contaminants in these areas thr ough liter atur e investig atio n and data stat istics. We analyzed the effects of or ganic po llut ants ( po ly cyclic ar omatic hydro carbons, persistent o rg anic pollu2 tants, pharmaceuticals and personal car e pr oducts ( PPCPs) and endocrine disrupting chemicals) , heavy metals, nut rients, salini2 ty , pH , and micro bes in reclaimed wat er o n soil and g ro undwater envir onment. Since most reclaimed water is from domestic sew2 ag e, att ention should be paid to the pollutio n of the PPCPs and salinity . We sugg est adopting contaminant mo nitoring pr og rams, emer gency plans, and relev ant management measur es t o ensure the safety o f reclaimed w ater usage.