Study on instream basic ecological water demand based on the improved dynamic calculation method
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In or der t o broaden the applicability o f the dynamic calculatio n method, w e impro ved the method in v iew of the obvious seasonality of northern riv ers in China. On the basis of the o rig inal method, w e substituted the percent o f the av erag e flow in the same periods w ith t he rat io of the annua l runo ff in ex treme droug ht y ea rs ( P= 90% ) to the multi2year aver age runoff, and used the mult i2year averag e mo nthly runoff for calculation of the instr eam basic ecolog ical w ater demand. Taking the hydrolog ical sectio n of T anjiafang as a case study, w e calculated the basic ecolog ical water demand in the river and compared the metho d with the T ennant met ho d and other methods. The results show ed that the calculation results o f the improv ed metho d wer e r easo nable and could meet the r equir ement of mainta ining the basic ecolo gica l function of t he river in the general w ater using period and the spaw ning and nursing period. This method has inherited the strengt hs of t he o rig inal method in show ing the ov erall r unoff pr ocess and the chang ing char acteristics of the river co urse during a y ear. It can be applied to riv ers w ith o bv ious seasonalit y. This metho d is suitable fo r the calculat ion of instr eam basic ecolo g ical w ater demand.