Simulation of characteristic pollutant load and analysis of pollution source in Liuhe River basin
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The generalized watershed loading functio n ( GWLF) mo del was used in this paper to simulate the hydrochemical pr ocess o f Liuhe Riv er basin f rom 2006 to 2014, and to eva luate the mo nthly water flow and the load flux es o f characteristic pol2 lut ants in the basin. Acco rding to the mo del results, w e analyzed t he sources of the characterist ic po llutants and their contribu2 tion rates. T he r esults showed that in terms of inter annual variation, the total load flux o f COD, ammo nia nit rog en, and tot al ni2 tr og en decreased in r ecent years, and the tot al load flux o f total phospho rus incr eased y ea r by year. In terms of annua l av erag e level, the point source pollutio n and non2point source po llution made basically equiv alent co ntributio ns to COD and ammonia ni2 tr og en, bo th appro aching 50% . For to tal nitr ogen, the no n2 po int so ur ce pollutio n had a much hig her co ntribution rate ( up to 791 6% ) than t he point sour ce pollutio n. The main po llution source of to tal phospho rus was point so ur ce po llut ion, w hose con2 tribution rat e w as up to 741 9%