Optimization of water environment management performance based on total amount control of pollutants) A case study of Zhaosutai River Basin in Jilin Province
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n or der to ex plor e the relationship between total amo unt contro l of po llutants and water env iro nment manag ement performance, we established a compr ehensive manag ement performance index system for w ater env iro nment co vering so cial, eco2 nomic, and ecolog ical aspects o f the basin. We calculat ed the environmental perf ormance and analyzed its chang e t rend. Taking the r eduction o f w ater po llutants as the decisio n2making v ariable, w ith minimum investment as the optimization o bject ive, we set certain const raints, and built a water environment management performance o pt imizatio n model. Taking Zhaosut ai River basin in Jilin Prov ince as a case study, using Lingo 81 0 sof twar e pr og ramming to optimize the solution, w e obtained an optimizatio n scheme that required a to tal inv est ment o f 151 09 billion Yuan, could reduce the chemical o x ygen demand and ammo nia nit rog en by 98791 1 tons and 619. 68 to ns respectiv ely , and could impr ove the end2o f2term water envir onment management perfo rmance to 01 856. T he perfo rmance index system for w ater env iro nment manag ement can comprehensiv ely r ef lect the quantitativ e chang e of performance value. The optimizatio n scheme meets the requirements of w ater quality improv ement and to tal amo unt co ntr ol of po llutants in the basin, and effect ively reduces capital input. It can pr ovide a reference for w ater environment management and sustainable dev elo pment of river basins.