Hydrochemical distribution characteristics of shallow groundwater in the north of Muling2Xingkai Plain and their formation mechanism
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We studied the distribution characteristics o f to tal disso lved so lids ( TDS) and hydro chemical ty pes of shallow gr ound2 w ater in the Muling2Xingkai Plain on the basis of analy zing 192 gr oundw ater samples. Then w e explo red the cause of fo rmatio n by co nsidering the hy drog eolog ical conditions and human act ivities. The results showed that the shallow gr oundwat er in the study ar ea w as mainly fresh w ater w ith T DS less than 01 5 g/ L, and ther e w as no saline g ro undwater w ith TDS higher than 11 0 g/ L. Influenced by aquifer medium, leaching, and g r oundwater2river interaction, the gr oundwat er TDS showed zonal distributio n in the study area. T her e w as no obvio us zo nal distribut ion r egularity o f the hy dr ochemical types in the study area. Nowadays, the HCO32Ca# Mg type water has r eplaced the H CO32Ca# Na ty pe w ater in the 1960 s ( considered as backg ro und water t ype) to become the common w ater ty pe in the study area. T he incr eases of sulfate ion, chlo ride io n, and mag nesium ion in g ro undw ater wer e mainly due t o coal mining, domestic w astewater po llution, and fertilizatio n